Astro Communications, Inc. provides this statement of its policy regarding HIPAA regulations and obligations.
While HIPAA compliance is in part dependent on technology, HIPAA compliance is an overall organizational obligation that focuses on procedural standards and procedural integrity of the business practices of healthcare institutions and medical care providers. Therefore, HIPAA compliance for software requires a combination of secure/private technology and compliant business practices. Astro Communications, Inc. provides its customers with software tools that are HIPAA compliant from a technology standpoint as detailed below.
Astro Communications technology, security, and privacy policies comply with HIPAA standards, such as data encryption (SSL), system-user identifiers (log-in names and passwords), timed log out, user programmable multiple layers of user access, high end physical server security, user-configurable automated backup procedures, strong privacy policies (not sharing information with anyone unless you direct us to), strong internal policies (having employees sign strong privacy agreements), and much more. Additional security and privacy safeguards can be enabled at the option of clients, such as IP restrictions and forced interval password changes.
In regard to business practices, Astro Communications, Inc. provides clients literally hundreds of preferences in defining how they want to set up and use the secure message delivery in their day-to-day operations and practices. This includes preferences concerning utilization of user access types, how clients require users to log in to the system, and many more business practice questions. Astro Communications, Inc. in association with Telescan, Inc. (Spectrum Secure Delivery Software) a subsidiary of American Tel-A-Systems, Inc., (d.b.a.: AMTELCO) maintains a working group that is charged with monitoring the conformance of its produce with federal, state, local and internal privacy and security regulations.
For more information regarding HIPAA and how it affects you, please visit the Department of Health and Human Services.
Marc J. Kaiser